Commodity Inverse ETF List
Below is a list of inverse currency ETFs as well as currency hedged ETFs. Currency hedged ETFs invest in underlying securities of foreign countries but hedge foreign currency fluctuations against the U.S. Dollar.
Currency Inverse ETFs
Leverage: -2x
Issuer: ProShares
Issuer: PowerShares
Benchmark:Deutsche Bank Short U.S. Dollar Futures Index
Expense Ratio: 0.81%
Leverage: -1x
Issuer: ProShares
Focus: Corresponds to the inverse of the daily performance of the U.S. dollar price of the euro.
Expense Ratio: 0.95%
Issuer: ProShares
Leverage: -2x
Focus: Seeks to provide returns that correspond to two times the inverse (-2x) of the daily performance of the U.S. dollar price of the euro.
Expense Ratio: 0.95%
Leverage: -2x
Issuer: ProShares
Focus: Aims to return two times the inverse of the U.S. dollar value of the Japanese yen on a daily basis.
Expense Ratio: 0.95%
Currency Hedged ETFs
Issuer: IQ
Benchmark: FTSE Developed ex-North America 50% Hedged to US Index
Focus: Manages the international equity currency risk that a strong U.S. dollar can have on foreign-based equity returns. The 50% hedged call provides a partial hedge so an investor can focus on the international investments at hand, without overly worrying about adverse currency movements.
Expense Ratio: 0.35%
Top Holdings: Recent large holdings included Nestle, Roche, Toyota Motor, Novartis and Samsung Electronics.
Issuer: IQ
Benchmark: FTSE Developed Europe 50% Hedged to USD Index
Focus: Provides a partial currency hedge against a strong U.S. dollar and its adverse affects on foreign-based equity returns.
Geographic Focus: As of Q1 2016, the fund was roughly 30% U.K. invested, 14.5% France, 14% Germany and 13.8% Switzerland.
Expense Ratio: 0.45%
Issuer: IQ
Benchmark: FTSE Japan 50% Hedged to USD Index
Focus: Partially hedges 50% of the Japanese yen’s currency exposure against the U.S. dollar on a monthly basis.
Top Holdings: Recent top holdings included Toyota Motors, Mitsubishi Financial, KDDI Corp., Honda Motor and SoftBank Group.
Expense Ratio: 0.45%
Issuer: iShares by BlackRock
Benchmark: MSCI EMU Adaptive Hedge to USD Index
Net Expense Ratio:0.50%
Info: Invests primarily in EZU, then hedges out Eurozone currency risk on a dynamic basis to determine the optimum level of hedging for a U.S. dollar based investor.
Issuer: iShares (BlackRock)
Benchmark: MSCI Japan Adaptive Hedge to USD Index
Net Expense Ratio: 0.47%
Info: Invests primarily in EWJ, then dynamically hedges out currency risk using four currency indicators to determine level of hedging of currency risk for a U.S. dollar based investor.
Issuer: iShares (BlackRock)
Benchmark: MSCI Germany 100% Hedged to USD Index
Expense Ratio: 0.53%
Info: Invests primarily in the German ETF (EWG) then hedges out fluctuations between the euro and the U.S. dollar.
Issuer: iShares (BlackRock)
Benchmark: MSCI Emerging Markets 100% USD Hedged Index
Expense Ratio: 0.69%
Info: Invests in EEM, then hedges fluctuations between the U.S. dollar and the component emerging markets currencies (Brazilian real, Korean Won, South African rand, Mexican peso, etc.)